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Trust Me, I am not Satoshi Nakamoto

20 May

I know what you’re thinking:

I just started writing on this blog again the very same day that someone (probably not Satoshi Nakamoto) moved 50 bitcoin (roughly $477,000)

While I haven’t been active in quite some time, it was 2014 when I last posted here, not 2009.

Yes, I did have a roommate that was mining bitcoin around the time that this blog was active, but – when I looked for bitcoin information online – everything I heard about bitcoin was bad: “It’s a scam,” “It’s a Ponzi scheme,” “It’s not based on anything.” Well, I foolishly believed the stuff I read on the internet and I didn’t get any bitcoin at the time.

Flash forward to 2020 and I’ve currently read all these books:

cryptocurrency books

…and I wish I had even one single bitcoin. Unfortunately, I don’t. Although – if I had invested a single dollar every time I talked to someone about bitcoin over the past few years – I might. If you’re curious: yes, I would recommend all of those books.

Anyways… just for fun, I’d like to share my very first explorations into the world of cryptocurrencies. This is a graphic of the first several investments that I made – way back in December 2017:

The first little bump is about $100 total, and then the next bump is around $200. What isn’t super clear about this graphic is that the really big tick up is right when all the cryptocurrency markets were at their peak – so I’m currently still negative from that particular investment.

Ron Swanson’s Pyramid of Greatness

25 Jan

The “perfectly calibrated recipe for maximum personal achievement” has been moved to: Ron Swanson’s Pyramid of Greatness

(The New Secret Undersea City)

The Hurt Locker is not Oscar-worthy

28 Feb

Unlike what seems like every other reviewer on the planet, I wasn’t blown away by The Hurt Locker. Read my review for The Hurt Locker for more details. The film has a few really great scenes, but the pace is all over the place and there are just too many awkward bits: tactical, realism-based and otherwise.

I know what you’re probably thinking: what makes me believe that my thoughts about film even matter? Well, first of all…it’s only one particular viewpoint, but more importantly, I’ve explained some of the important aspects of my history with movies and why Nick is a great critic since I have some differing opinions that I’m sure someone somewhere will appreciate.