Tag Archives: Robocop

oh yeah… Be Kind Rewind!

26 Dec

I got so excited when I saw the trailer for Be Kind Rewind (what a great idea!) that I immediately watched it again before showing it to my cuddle partner. She was equally excited (mainly because she loves Mos Def) and also watched the trailer again. Then we talked about it a bit and I forgot all about sharing it. Until now.


Luckily for you, they’ve released some youtube videos specifically to remind me to share.

Jack Black and director Michel Gondry explain the art of sweding.


And there’s more: Robocop, Ghostbusters, Driving Miss Daisy, Rush Hour 2 and BoYZ In THe HooD are all sweded here. I hope they’ve got more movies up their sleeve though…I don’t want these to be the only ones.